
AI is changing everything

For knowledge-based work AI is changing the way we work, the way we think and the way we teach and learn. Are you stuck?

If you are interested in developing your full potential as a leader and executive, the solution is a structured methodology to transition smoothly into AI-enabled augmentation.

At AREYOUSTUCK we offer a framework to go through HyperChange that can be applied to any BIG change. It is called GLASS (Gestalt Leadership Adaptable Synergy Skills).

Gestalt uses a hyperchange agent in the here and know, which is the coach trained in Gestalt methodology.

Leadership traits have not changed. We still have to develop a clear and articulated vision and mobilize a group toward common goals. The how is the strategy. And we follow results, to unstuck you.

Adaptable means that you have to see the context and adjust accordingly.

Synergy means 1 plus 1 equals 3. Human and AI can solve many problems together and we need to harmonize the cognitive expertise of AI with the human soft skills of your right brain, which is your personality, character and artistic side.